Thursday 27 November 2014

Digipak analysis 1

There are close ups of the artist as she is very famous and therefore recognizable. An audience who already knew and liked her previous music would be more attracted to this digipak as they can recognise her.

The image on the inside takes up all 3 panels which is quite creative and looks professional. The image on the inside definitely links to the cover through using similar colours and also an image of the artist. 

The font used on the cover is easily readable and yet not overpowering at the same time. The images of the artist make her appear quite elegant and the font definitely reflects this. The font is also quite thin and therefore doesn't cover much of the image on the cover. 

The size of the font is suitable for the digipak. It is not too large but is still large enough to read.

The image of the artist doesn't actually show any clothing and the bare shoulder suggest she is possibly nude, therefore being quite voyeuristic. The intention of this could be to draw in a male audience and this also supports the theory of Andrew Goodwin.
I particularly like the used of one image spread out over the whole of the inside of the digipak and I really like the thin font as it can be quite large but not cover up too much of the image at the same time. These are two things I will definitely consider using when creating my own digipak. 

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