Friday, 13 February 2015

Final Digipak

Here is my digipak, I have made it similar to my magazine advertisement so my target audience can see a clear link. All the photos that are on this digipak are from our music video making sure there is a clear link. I have used the same photo in the bottom right as the one on my magazine advertisement. I have included 2 large images of our artist to show that he is the centre of attention and should be focussed on.

Final Magazine Advertisement

Here is my final magazine advertisement, I have incorporated an image straight from our music video and edited it using Photoshop. I have used a blur effect over the main characters face to symbolise how someone is fading away said 'goodbye', this links to the title of the song 'Goodbye my lover'. At the bottom of the poster I have put a Soundcloud, twitter and Facebook logo to show to the audience I have an interactive relationship with them, this will also increase popularity towards the artist. I have also placed 3 review star ratings on the front to show how this is a popular single and the audience will see this and be attracted. The font I have used is a casual font which is similar to one which is used on an existing album made by James Blunt.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Final Video

Audience Information

Target audience for the music video

For our music video, we have chosen to do ‘Goodbye My Lover’ By James Blunt. This is a slow pop song about a breakup in a relationship. This means that our target market for the music video, due to the genre, will be people who like listening to songs that are popular of the time – so quite often young adults etc. However, as well as this, there is a slow pace to the song and James Blunt is often renowned for being listened by older generations, so we’ll have tender our music videos to allow for both of these markets. As well as this, this song will also be listened to by people who feel that they can relate to it, ie people who might have just gone through a break up in a relationship. This means that we should create our music video with a strong narrative to help aim our music video towards this genre of people too.

Audience Theory

Dating from the 1920s, this theory was the first attempt to explain how mass audiences might react to mass media. It is a crude model and suggests that audiences passively receive the information transmitted via a media text, without any attempt on their part to process or challenge the data. Don't forget that this theory was developed in an age when the mass media were still fairly new - radio and cinema were less than two decades old. Governments had just discovered the power of advertising to communicate a message, and produced propaganda to try and sway populaces to their way of thinking.

Image of the typical audience member that we wish to target

The typical audience member for our chosen artist James Blunt will most of the time keep up the same appearance as the artist himself following his kind of fashion sense with the plain t shirts and jeans with an occasional leather/bomber jacket. The style of clothing may also be influence by James Bunt's clothing deal he has signed with H&M.

Demographic groupings

A demographic or demographic profile is a term used in marketing and broadcasting, to describe a demographic grouping or a market segment. This typically involves age bands, social class, and gender.

Age - 15-40

Social class - Skilled lower class and lower middle class

Gender - Female

Content of music videos

The content of this music video involves a relationship between two different people. This will mainly be targeted towards individuals that can relate to the story that is being told. So this means that the target audience will be effected by the content of the music video.

Demographic seen in music video
